Skip to main contentBill Alive Portfolio

Data Science

Analysis. Coding. But also… finding the story the data hides. What happens when you let a novelist loose on the data with expert tools like Pandas and Numpy, plus a self-help writer’s knack for explanation?

Get ready to level up.

PythonRPandasMatplotlibNumPyscikit-learnJupyter NotebookedXKaggle

Certification: MicroMasters in Data Science from UC San Diego

edXPythonJupyter NotebookPandasNumPyMatplotlibscikit-learn

Reports (Jupyter Notebooks)

I’ve published several reports as Jupyter notebooks, each of which explores a complex question using an official dataset.

Jupyter NotebookRPythonPandasNumPyMatplotlibscikit-learn

Data Science Projects

The Vaccine Show!

Yarm: Yet Another Report Maker

Millennium of Music

Millennium of Music

How do you keep hundreds of member subscriptions in sync and up-to-date between a WordPress site and your payment processor? This Jupyter notebook walks you step-by-step through a complex recurring monthly report.

PythonPandasNumPyJupyter Notebook

A forthcoming report based on my work managing member subscriptions for Millennium of Music, a classical music non-profit.

Why Work With Bill?

Data science lets me bring all my major skills to the table:

  • elegant coding
  • intense intellectual analysis
  • finding the compelling stories in the data
  • and making complex topics understandable to non-experts

To learn more about my journey into data science, read my story.

To keep exploring how my combination of skills can help you, continue on to Code.