Workshops and critique groups have been critical to my growth.
Writing Workshops and Critique Groups
My first workshop experience was a lovely week-long program for authors of Middle-Grade novels at the Highlights Foundation in Pennsylvania. We each got feedback on our novel draft from a published, successful author in this space, and we met for informal classes with these authors as well.
But in 2013, I got accepted into the Odyssey Writing Workshop, an elite six-week “boot camp” in New Hampshire of full-time writing, classes, and most important of all, critique. Odyssey introduced me to the critique circle, to the exquisite pain and transformative improvements that come with the feedback, often conflicting, from a whole table of fellow authors.
When I went home, I promptly joined a local critique circle of Odyssey almuni, and we met monthly for critiques for years, almost up until COVID.
Even that wasn’t enough for me; I started my own small critique circle in my little town in rural Virginia.
Now that I’ve moved to Rochester, NY, I’m delighted to have joined another kind of workshop, the Rochester Makerspace.
The Rochester Makerspace provides members with 24/7 access to tools, space, resources, and a community of like-minded makers.
My kids and I still can’t quite believe that we have full access to so many incredible tools, from a suite of 3D printers to a laser cutter to a professional-grade woodworking shop.